We welcome you either in-person or online via Facebook for our services!
To watch virtually, go here-https://www.facebook.com/Unity-Hagerstown-129128313825211/
To visit in person, see below-
Our Celebration Service meets at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall of St. Mark's Episcopal Church on Lappans Road for about an hour. We are pretty laid back, and invite people to dress comfortably. We open the service with a song and a prayer. During the rest of the service, there will be a selected reading, a fifteen to twenty minute message, followed by a guided meditation, and more music. We close the service by taking an offering, sharing upcoming events and inviting a brief time of sharing in life's celebrations and/or prayer requests. We close the service by forming a circle and singing our closing song. Most songs have words projected on screens, and most are easy tunes to pick up.
When you pull into St. Mark's, the driveway will take you to the parking lot in the back. The Fellowship Hall is the closest building to the parking lot, (you drive next to it on your way to the parking lot). Come into the main the doors of the Fellowship Hall and you will meet our Greeter for the day. The Greeter will hand you a visitor packet with information about Unity inside and a feedback form on the outside. If you like, please fill out the form and drop in the offering basket during the service. You might notice that you weren't handed a bulletin. We believe in living simply and not using the earth's resources unless necessary, so we use Power Point instead of a printed bulletin. Children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary or join the Children's classroom. Please let us know if you plan on bringing children.
After the service coffee and tea are served, for a social time to get to know each other.
At times we might have an opportunity to 'greet your neighbors' during the service. We do so with a handshake, hug or a howdy. If you are not a hugger, simply put your hand out to shake. If you prefer, simply wave your howdy!
We know that life is busy and your time is precious and appreciate your joining us on a Sunday morning, either in-person or virtually!